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The _filter Search Parameter

The _filter parameter extends FHIR's search functionality by allowing you to narrow down your results using complex filter expressions. It is a useful way to filter resources in a way that may not be easily achieveable using standard parameters.

Filter Syntax

The syntax for the _filter parameter is different than for other search parameters. Rather than setting _filter equal to a value, you must set it equal to a filter expression using a comparison operator.

A filter expression has three parts: a parameter, an operator, and a value.

  • The parameter is the search parameter of the resource that you will filter by
  • The operator is the type of comparison you will make (see below)
  • The value is the criteria you want to compare against
Example: Filter syntax
await medplum.searchResources('Patient', {
_filter: 'name eq "simpson"',

In this example, the filter expression is name eq "simpson", where name is the parameter, eq is the operator, and "simpson" is the value.

Comparison Operators

The _filter parameter has several operators that you can use to create your filter expressions. These are defined in the table below.

OperationValueDescriptionExample Expression
eqequalsFilters for items that are equal to the value provided.Patient: given eq "homer"
nedoes not equalFilters for items that are not equal to the value provided.Patient: given ne "marge"
cocontainsFilters for items that contain the value provided.Pateint: name co "sim"
gt / lt / ge / legreater/less than, greater/less than or equal toFilters for items that are greater than (gt), less than (lt), greater than or equal to (ge), or less than or equal to (le) the value provided.Patient: birthdate ge "1996-06-06" / Patient: birthdate le "1996-06-06"
sastarts afterFilters for items that start after the value provided. Most useful when filtering for dates or time periods.Observation: date sa "2023-01-01"
ebends beforeFilters for items that end before the value provided. Most useful when filtering for dates or time periods.Observation: date eb "2023-08-01"
prproperty existsFilters for items that contain or do not contain the specified field. Can be set to either true or false.Observation: specimen pr false
ininFilters for items that are within a provided value set.DiagnosticReport: code in ""
ninot inFilters for items that are not within a provided value set.DiagnosticReport: code ni " "

Logical Expressions

The _filter parameter allows you to apply multiple filters using logical operators such as "and", "or", and "not".

This example will return all male patients that have the string "sim" somewhere in their name.

Example: Filtering a serach based on both name and gender
await medplum.searchResources('Patient', {
_filter: '(gender eq "male" and name co "sim")',

This example will return any patients that have an identifier of 12345 OR the phone number "555-6789". It is important to note that this is impossible to do using standard search parameter syntax.

Example: Filtering a serach based on either an identifier or phone number
await medplum.searchResources('Patient', {
_filter: '(identifer eq 12345 or phone eq "555-6789")',

Nested Filters

You can further refine your search by nesting filters using parentheses and logical operators.

Example: Filtering a search based on gender and two potential names
await medplum.searchResources('Patient', {
_filter: '(gender eq "male" and (name co "sim" or name co "wigg"))',

This example initially filters for all male patients. It then filters those male patients for any names that contain either of the strings "sim" or "wigg".